ICMA and CCDC publish white paper on ESG Practices in China

发布时间:2023年1月11日 16:31

10 January 2023 ICMA and the China Central Depository & Clearing Co., Ltd. (CCDC) have published a white paper on ESG Practices in China, detailing ESG development trends in China with relevant case studies.
The white paper focuses on two aspects. First, it summarises China’s ESG-related policies and implementation progress in its financial market. Second, it demonstrates the evolving landscape of China’s financial market by presenting the actual situation of ESG information disclosure and ESG performance of Chinese enterprises, based on widely collected, company-level data.
“With one of the world’s largest financial markets, China has an important role to play,” said ICMA Chief Executive Bryan Pascoe. “It is hoped that this white paper may facilitate further discussion to improve the usability and effectiveness of sustainable finance regulations and practices in the global markets.”
“Since the concept of ESG was first put forward, its practice has gradually become an effective way of promoting sustainable development and a global trend,” said Shui Ruqing, Chairman of CCDC. “After many years of dedication in the field of sustainable finance, this year the CCDC and the ICMA jointly compiled the "White Paper on ESG Practices in China", summarizing the efforts of participants in the ESG ecosystem such as regulators, real enterprises and financial markets.”

Download the White Paper on ESG practices in China below.
